British History > Women's Suffrage Women's SuffrageWomen in the 19th Century Strategy, Tactics and Events Women's Suffrage Journals MP Supporters of Women's Suffrage Male Campaigners for Women's Suffrage Parliamentary Reform Acts Women in the 19th Century Schooling University Education Birth Control Marriage Careers & Professions Industrial Work Strategy, Tactics and Events Black Friday Bermondsey By-Election Caravan Tours Cat & Mouse Act Coronation Procession First World War Work Ladies' Gallery Demonstration Parliamentary Campaigns Pilgrimage to London Suffragette Arson Campaign Suffragette Christmas Cards Suffragette Hunger Strikes Women's Suffrage Journals The Common Cause English Woman's Journal The Englishwoman's Review FreewomanNew FreewomanThe Suffragette Time and Tide The Vote Votes for Women Women's Dreadnought Women's Franchise Women's Suffrage Journal Women Campaigners Laura Ainsworth WSPU Janie Allan NUWSS WSPU Mary Allen WSPU Elizabeth Garrett Anderson NUWSS WSPU Louisa Garrett Anderson NUWSS WSPU Emily Harding Andrews NUWSS Artists' Suffrage League Helen Archdale WSPU Margery Corbett Ashby NUWSS Liberal Party Margaret Ashton NUWSS Lena Ashwell NUWSS Nancy Astor Conservative Party Matilda Chaplin Ayrton NUWSS Hertha Ayrton NUWSS WSPU Amy Garrett Badley NUWSS Jennie Baines ILP WSPU Minnie Baldock Independent Labour Party WSPU Frances Balfour NUWSS Rachel Barrett WSPU Margaret Bartels NUWSS WSPU Olive Bartels NUWSS WSPU Winifred Batho WSPU Mary Bateson NUWSS Dorothea Beale NUWSS Olive Beamish WSPU Women's Freedom League Lydia Becker NUWSS Bessie Rayner Belloc Unitarian WWSL Inez Bensusan WSPU Actresses' Franchise League Annie Besant NUWSS Caroline Ashurst Biggs London Society for Women's Suffrage May Billinghurst WSPU Teresa Billington-Greig WSPU Women's Freedom League Clementina Black NUWSS Helen Blackburn NUWSS Emily Blathwayt WSPU Mary Blathwayt WSPU Jessie Boucherett NUWSS Barbara Bodichon NUWSS Margaret Bondfield NUWSS People's Suffrage Federation Catherine Booth Salvation Army Theodora Bosanquet NUWSS Elsie Bowerman WSPU Janet Haig Boyd WSPU Nina Boyle Women's Freedom League Georgina Brackenbury WSPU Hilda Brackenbury WSPU Marie Brackenbury WSPU Jane Brailsford NUWSS WSPU Bertha Brewster WSPU United Suffragists Ursula Bright NUWSS Vera Brittain Labour Party Lilla Brockway ILP NUWSS Stella Browne WSPU Margery Bryce WSPU Hilda Burkitt WSPU Lucy Burns WSPU Josephine Butler NUWSS Frances Buss NUWSS Florence Canning WSPU Church League for Suffrage Grace Chappelow WSPU Women's Tax Resistance League Alice Chapin Women's Freedom League Mabel Capper WSPU Sarah Carwin WSPU Eileen Casey WSPU Ada Nield Chew NUWSS Katherine Chidley The Levellers Mary Clarke WSPU Dora Meeson Coates Artists' Suffrage League WSPU Clara Codd WSPU Emma Cons London Society for Women's Suffrage Anne Jemima Clough NUWSS Frances Power Cobbe NUWSS Clara Gilbert Cole WSPU No Conscription Fellowship Margaret Cole Fabian Society Labour Party Selina Cooper NUWSS Labour Party Catherine Corbett WSPU Marie Corbett NUWSS Liberal Party Kathleen Courtney NUWSS Catherine Courtauld Central Society for Women's Suffrage Suffrage Atelier Edith Craig WSPU Actresses' Franchise League Helen Craggs WSPU Helen Crawfurd WSPU Independent Labour Party Nellie Cressall East London Federation of Suffragettes Nellie Crocker WSPU Suffragette Fellowship Norah Dacre Fox WSPU Hilda Dallas WSPU Emily Davies NUWSS Emily Wilding Davison WSPU Charlotte Despard WSPU Women's Freedom League Emilia Dilke NUWSS Women's Industrial Society Florence Dixie NUWSS Violet Douglas-Pennant WAAF WRAF Edith Downing WSPU Flora Drummond WSPU Lillian Dove-Wilcox WSPU Sophia Duleep Singh WSPU Women's Tax Resistance League Una Dugdale WSPU Barbara Duval Women's Freedom League Emily Duval WSPU Women's Freedom League Elsie Duval WSPU Edith Lees Ellis Freewoman Edith Ellis Society of Friends Marian Ellis Society of Friends Zelie Emerson East London Federation of Suffragettes Gladys Evans WSPU Emily Faithfull Women's Trade Union League Millicent Garrett Fawcett NUWSS Philippa Fawcett NUWSS Mary Fildes Chartist Cicely Corbett Fisher NUWSS Women's Industrial Society Ada Flatman WSPU Emily Ford NUWSS Artists' Suffrage League Isabella Ford NUWSS Labour Party Mary Sargant Florence NUWSS Artists' Suffrage League Helen Fox Women's Freedom League Helen Fraser WSPU NUWSS Elizabeth Fry Society of Friends Katharine Furse WRNS Theresa Garnett WSPU Agnes Garrett London Society for Women's Suffrage Rhoda Garrett London Society for Women's Suffrage Mary Gawthorpe NUWSS WSPU Helga Gill NUWSS Clara Giveen WSPU Katharine Glasier People's Suffrage Federation ILP Vida Goldstein WSPU Eva Gore-Booth NUWSS Barbara Ayrton Gould WSPU United Suffragists Harriet Grote Langham Place Group Society of Female Artists Helen Gwynne-Vaughan NUWSS WRAF Margaret Haig Thomas WSPU Cecilia Wolseley Haig Church League for Suffrage WSPU Charlotte Haig WSPU Evelyn Haig WSPU Florence Haig WSPU & East London Federation Suffragettes Lilias Ashworth Hallett NUWSS WSPU Cicely Hamilton WSPU WWSL Women's Freedom League Mary Hamilton NUWSS Labour Party Agnes Harben WSPU United Suffragists Katherine Hare Kensington Society Katherine Harley NUWSS Beatrice Harraden WSPU Kate Harvey Women's Freedom League Tax Resistance League Eveline Haverfield NUWSS WSPU Emily Hobhouse Adult Suffrage League Olive Hockin WSPU Vera Holme WSPU Actresses' Franchise League Winifred Holtby Independent Labour Party Nettie Honeyball NUWSS Clemence Housman WSPU Women's Tax Resistance League Elsie Howey WSPU Edith How-Martyn WSPU Women's Freedom League Eva Hubback National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship Susanna Inge Chartist Elsie Inglis NUWSS Louise Rica Jacobs Suffrage Atelier Grace Jardine WSPU Women's Freedom League Sophia Jex-Blake NUWSS Dorothy Jewson Independent Labour Party Maud Joachim WSPU Gladice Keevil WSPU Alice Stewart Ker NUWSS WSPU Annie Kenney WSPU Jessie Kenney WSPU Mary Kingsley Anne Knight Anne Knight Society of Friends Chartist Elizabeth Knight Women's Freedom League Tax Resistance League Aeta Lamb WSPU Millie Lansbury East London Federation of Suffragettes Susan Lawrence Fabian Society Labour Party Jennie Lee ILP Labour Party Margory Lees NUWSS Mary Leigh WSPU Lilian Lenton WSPU Women's Freedom League Octavia Lewin Women's Freedom League Tax Resistance League Victoria Lidiard WSPU Elizabeth Lilburne The Levellers Margaret Llewelyn-Davies NUWSS Women's Co-operative Guild Mary Lowndes NUWSS Artists' Suffrage League Marie Belloc Lowndes Women Writers Suffrage League Constance Lytton WSPU Mary Macarthur People's Suffrage Federation Margaret MacDonald People's Suffrage Federation Margaret Macfarlane WSPU Eva Maclaren NUWSS Priscilla McLaren NUWSS Chrystal Macmillan NUWSS Elizabeth Malleson NUWSS Edith Mansell Moullin WSPU Kitty Marion WSPU Constance Markievicz NUWSS Sinn Fein Dora Marsden WSPU Women's Freedom League Charlotte Marsh WSPU Independent WSPU Christabel Marshall WSPU Actresses' Franchise League Catherine Marshall NUWSS Nellie Martel WSPU Muriel Matters WSPU Women's Freedom League Emma Martin Chartist Louisa Spicer Martindale NUWSS Liberal Party Louisa Martindale NUWSS Harriet Martineau Central Society for Women's Suffrage Eleanor Marx Social Democratic Federation Winnie Mason WSPU Winifred Mayo WSPU Flora Mayor NUWSS Rachel McMillan People's Suffrage Federation Margaret McMillan People's Suffrage Federation Alice Meynell Women Writers Suffrage League Hannah Mitchell WSPU Women's Freedom League Margaret Morris NUWSS WSPU Dora Montefiore WSPU Adult Suffrage Society Clare Mordan NUWSS WSPU Flora Murray WSPU Marie Naylor WSPU Mary Neal WSPU United Suffragists Alison Neilans Women's Freedom League Dorinda Neligan WSPU Women's Freedom League Margaret Nevinson WSPU Women's Freedom League Edith New WSPU Bertha Newcombe London Society for Women's Suffrage NUWSS Stella Newsome WSPU Women's Freedom League Helena Normanton Women's Freedom League Florence Nightingale Central Society for Women's Suffrage Caroline Norton Whig Kathlyn Oliver People's Suffrage Federation Eliza Orme London Society for Women's Suffrage Catherine Osler NUWSS Mary Overton The Levellers Adela Pankhurst ILP WSPU Christabel Pankhurst ILP WSPU Emmeline Pankhurst NUWSS ILP WSPU Sylvia Pankhurst ILP WSPU East London Federation Alice Paul WSPU Susan Beatrice Pearse Suffrage Atelier Marion Phillips People's Suffrage Federation Mary Phillips WSPU East London Federation Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence ILP WSPU Catherine Pine WSPU Mary Postlethwaite WSPU Miriam Pratt WSPU ILP Adelaide Anne Procter Society for the Employment of Women Eleanor Rathbone NUWSS Bessie Rayner Parkes London Society for Women's Suffrage Maud Pember Reeves NUWSS Fabian Society Mary Richardson WSPU Elizabeth Robins WSPU Rona Robinson WSPU Grace Roe WSPU Esther Roper NUWSS Maude Royden NUWSS Ada Salter Women's Freedom League ILP Anne Cobden Sanderson NUWSS WSPU Flora Sandes Serbian Army Julia Scurr East London Federation of Suffragettes Maud Arncliffe Sennett WSPU Women's Freedom League Sime Seruya WSPU Women's Freedom League Margaret Schenke WSPU Alice Schofield WSPU Women's Freedom League Jane Short WSPU Olive Schreiner Fabian Society NUWSS Evelyn Sharp WSPU WWSL Women's Freedom League Elizabeth Sharples Female Reform Union Mary Sheepshanks NUWSS May Sinclair Women Writers Suffrage League WFL Louisa Garrett Smith London Society for Women's Suffrage Ethel Smyth WSPU Norah Smyth WSPU East London Federation Ethel Annakin Snowden NUWSS Labour Party Emma Sproson WSPU Women's Freedom League Jessie Stephen ILP WSPU East London Federation Philippa Strachey NUWSS Edith Summerskill Socialist Medical Association Mabel Stobart Women's National Service League Marie Stopes Women's Freedom League Rachel Strachey London Society for Women's Suffrage Helena Swanwick NUWSS Clementia Taylor Enfranchisement of Women Committee Harriet Taylor Unitarian Helen Taylor Kensington Society SDF Elizabeth Thompson Royal Academy Louisa Thomson-Price Women's Freedom League Violet Tillard WSPU Women's Freedom League Constance Tite Women's Freedom League Sybil Haig Thomas NUWSS WSPU Sybil Thorndike WSPU Charlotte Payne-Townshend The Freewoman Mabel Tuke WSPU Florence Tunks WSPU Minnie Turner WSPU Katherine Vulliamy NUWSS WSPU Women's Freedom League Marion Wallace-Dunlop WSPU Muriel de la Warr NUWSS Labour Party Caroline Watts NUWSS Artists' Suffrage League Helen Kirkpatrick Watts WSPU Women's Freedom League Harriet Shaw Weaver WSPU Labour Party Beatrice Webb Fabian Society Labour Party Vera Wentworth WSPU Rebecca West NUWSS Alice Westlake Kensington Society NUWSS Alice Wheeldon WSPU Hettie Wheeldon WSPU Octavia Wilberforce WSPU Ellen Wilkinson NUWSS Labour Party Henria Williams Women's Freedom League Margaret Winteringham Liberal Party Olive Wharry WSPU Ethel Willis Women's Freedom League Suffrage Atelier Patricia Woodlock WSPU Mary Wollstonecraft Unitarian Virginia Woolf Adult Suffrage Society Elizabeth Wolstenholme-Elmy ILP NUWSS WSPU Ada Wright NUWSS WSPU Ethel Wright WSPU Lucy H. Yates Women's Freedom League Edith Zangwill NUWSS WSPU MP Supporters of Women's Suffrage Jacob Bright Robert Cecil Charles Corbett Charles Wentworth Dilke Henry Fawcett George Grote Keir Hardie George Lansbury John Stuart Mill Frederick Pethick-Lawrence Alfred Salter Philip Snowden James Stuart Peter Alfred Taylor David Alfred Thomas John Westlake Male Campaigners for Women's Suffrage Linley Blathwayt Henry N. Brailsford Philip Brewster Richard Carlile Edward Carpenter Silvio Corio Edwy Godwin Clayton Herbert Cole Walter Crane Victor Duval Hugh Franklin Newson Garrett Gerald Gould Henry Harben Frank Holland Laurence Housman C. E. M. Joad Harold Laski Charles Mansell-Moullin Henry Nevinson Richard Pankhurst Alfred Pearse Thorold Rogers Bertrand Russell George Bernard Shaw Francis Vane Israel Zangwill Suffrage Pressure Groups Actresses' Franchise League Adult Suffrage Society Anti-Suffrage League Artists' Suffrage League Catholic Women's Suffrage Society Central Society of the National Society for Women's Suffrage Church League for Women's Suffrage Drum & Fife WSPU Band East London Federation of Suffragettes Enfranchisement of Women Committee Fabian Women's Group Independent WSPU International Suffrage Alliance Jewish League for Woman Suffrage Kensington Society Langham Place Group League Opposing Women's Suffrage Liberal Women's Suffrage Society London National Society for Women's Suffrage Manchester Society for Suffrage Men's League For Women's Suffrage Men's Union for Women's Enfranchisement National Political League National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies National Union for Equal Citizenship New Constitutional Society People's Suffrage Federation Six Point Group of Great Britain Society of Female Artists Society for the Promotion of the Employment of Women Suffrage Atelier Suffragette Fellowship United Suffragists Women's Co-operative Guild Women's Emergency Corps Women's Freedom League Women's Hospital Corps Women's Indian Association Women's Industrial Society Women's International League Women's Liberal Federation Women's Party Women's Peace Crusade Women's Social & Political Union Women's Tax Resistance League Women's Trade Union League Women's Writers Suffrage League Young Hot Bloods Parliamentary Reform Acts 1832 Reform Act 1867 Reform Act 1872 Secret Ballot Act 1883 Corrupt Practices Act 1884 Reform Act 1885 Redistribution Act 1910 Conciliation Act 1912 Conciliation Act 1918 Qualification of Women Act 1928 Equal Franchise Act TimelineTimeline: Struggle for Women's Equality in the UKBBC Radio and Television ArchiveSylvia Pankhurst on Emmeline Pankhurst (1953) Charlotte March and Lilian Lenton: Militant Suffragettes (1955) Lilian Lenton explains the Cat and Mouse Act (1960) Mary Richardson and her WSPU Activities (1961) Emily Davison and the 1913 Derby (1961) Grace Roe and the WSPU (1968) Violet Bonham Carter and Mary Danvers Stocks on Women's Suffrage (1968) Eleanor Higginson and Grace Roe (1968) YouTube Videos Lady Pethick Lawrence on the suffrage campaign (1947) Lord Pethick Lawrence on the suffrage campaign (1947) Websites on Women's Suffrage The Lives and Actions of Suffragettes and Suffragists Woman and her Sphere