Communist Party Historians' Group

In 1946 several historians who were members of the Communist Party of Great Britain, that included Christopher Hill, E. P. Thompson, Raphael Samuel, Eric Hobsbawm, A. L. Morton, John Saville, George Rudé, Rodney Hilton, Dorothy Thompson, Edmund Dell, Victor Kiernan and Maurice Dobb formed the Communist Party Historians' Group. (1) Francis Beckett pointed out that these "were historians of a new type - socialists to whom history was not so much the doings of kings, queens and prime ministers, as those of the people." (2)

Eric Hobsbawm has argued that: "The main pillars of the Group thus consisted initially of people who had graduated sufficiently early in the 1930s to have done some research, to have begun to publish and, in very exceptional cases, to have begun to teach. Among these Christopher Hill already occupied a special position as the author of a major interpretation of the English Revolution and a link with Soviet economic historians." (3)

John Saville later recalled: "The Historian's Group had a considerable long-term influence upon most of its members. It was an interesting moment in time, this coming together of such a lively assembly of young intellectuals, and their influence upon the analysis of certain periods and subjects of British history was to be far-reaching. For me, it was a privilege I have always recognised and appreciated." (4)

In 1952 members of the group founded the journal, Past and Present. Over the next few years the journal pioneered the study of working-class history and is "now widely regarded as one of the most important historical journals published in Britain today." (5)

As Christos Efstathiou has explained: "Most of the members of the Group had common aspirations as well as common past experiences. The majority of them grew up in the inter-war period and were Oxbridge undergraduates who felt that the path to socialism was the solution to militarism and fascism. It was this common cause that united them as a team of young revolutionaries, who saw themselves as the heir of old radical." (6)

During the 20th Party Congress in February, 1956, Nikita Khrushchev launched an attack on the rule of Joseph Stalin. He condemned the Great Purge and accused Joseph Stalin of abusing his power. He announced a change in policy and gave orders for the Soviet Union's political prisoners to be released. Pollitt found it difficult to accept these criticisms of Stalin and said of a portrait of his hero that hung in his living room: "He's staying there as long as I'm alive". Khrushchev's de-Stalinzation policy encouraged people living in Eastern Europe to believe that he was willing to give them more independence from the Soviet Union. (7)

In July 1956, two members of the Communist Party Historians' Group, E. P. Thompson and John Saville, starting publishing The New Reasoner as a forum for the discussion of "questions of fundamental principle, aim, and strategy," critiquing Stalinism as well as the dogmatic politics of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB). It was open defiance of Party discipline to put out a publication not sanctioned by Party headquarters. As a result both Thompson and Saville were suspended from the CPGB. (8)

In Hungary the prime minister Imre Nagy removed state control of the mass media and encouraged public discussion on political and economic reform. Nagy also released anti-communists from prison and talked about holding free elections and withdrawing Hungary from the Warsaw Pact. Khrushchev became increasingly concerned about these developments and on 4th November 1956 he sent the Red Army into Hungary. During the Hungarian Uprising an estimated 20,000 people were killed. Nagy was arrested and replaced by the Soviet loyalist, Janos Kadar. (9)

Most members of the Communist Party Historians' Group, supported Imre Nagy and as a result, like most Marxists, left the Communist Party of Great Britain after the Hungarian Uprising and a "New Left movement seemed to emerge, united under the banners of socialist humanism... the New Leftists aimed to renew this spirit by trying to organise a new democratic-leftist coalition, which in their minds would both counter the 'bipolar system' of the cold war and preserve the best cultural legacies of the British people." (10)

As John Saville pointed out: "I still regard it as wonderfully fortunate that I was of the generation that established the Communist Historians' group. For ten years we exchanged ideas and developed our Marxism into what we hoped were creative channels. It was not chance that when the secret speech of Khrushchev was made known in the West, it was members of the historians' group who were among the most active of the Party intellectuals on demanding a full discussion and uninhibited debate." (11)

Francis Beckett, the author of Enemy Within: The Rise and Fall of the British Communist Party (1995) argues that those who left were a greater lost of the CPGB than its leaders could ever bring themselves to admit. (12) Over 7,000 members of the CPGB resigned over what happened in Hungary. One of them, Peter Fryer, later recalled: "The central issue is the elimination of what has come to be known as Stalinism. Stalin is dead, but the men he trained in methods of odious political immorality still control the destinies of States and Communist Parties. The Soviet aggression in Hungary marked the obstinate re-emergence of Stalinism in Soviet policy, and undid much of the good work towards easing international tension that had been done in the preceding three years. By supporting this aggression the leaders of the British Party proved themselves unrepentant Stalinists, hostile in the main to the process of democratisation in Eastern Europe. They must be fought as such." (13)

Important books published by individuals in this group included: Christopher Hill's Puritanism and Revolution (1958), The Century of Revolution (1961), Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England (1964), Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution (1965), Reformation to Industrial Revolution (1967), God's Englishman (1970), The World Turned Upside Down (1972) and The Levellers and the English Revolution (1977).

A. L. Morton's books included: People's History of England (1938), Socialism in Britain (1963), The English Utopia (1969), World of the Ranters: Religious Radicalism in the English Revolution (1970), The British Labour Movement, 1770-1920 (1973), Freedom in Arms: Levellers' Writings (1976), The Life and Ideas of Robert Owen (1978) and The Everlasting Gospel (1982).

Eric Hobsbawm's book's included: Primitive Rebels, The Age of Revolution (1962), Labouring Men (1964), Industry and Empire (1968), Bandits (1969), Captain Swing (1969) co-written with George Rudé, Revolutionaries (1973), The Age of Capital (1975), History of Marxism (1978), Workers (1984), The Age of Empire (1987) and Nations and Nationalism (1990).

E. P. Thompson's books included: William Morris, Romantic to Revolutionary (1955), The Making of the English Working Class (1963), Whigs and Hunters (1975); The Poverty of Theory (1978), Writing by Candlelight (1980), Protest and Survive (1980), Customs in Common (1992), Witness Against the Beast (1994) and Making History: Writings on History and Culture (1994).

E. P. Thompson and Dorothy Thompson
E. P. Thompson and Dorothy Thompson

Raphael Samuel's books included: Village Life and Labour (1975), Miners, Quarrymen and Saltworkers (1977), People's History and Socialist Theory (1981), East End Underworld (1981), Culture, Ideology and Politics (1983), Theatres of the Left: 1880-1935 (1985), The Lost World of Communism (1986), The Enemy Within: The Miners' Strike of 1984 (1987), Patriotism: The Making and Unmaking of British National Identity (1989), Patriotsm: Minorities and Outsiders (1989), The Myths We Live By (1990), Theatres of Memory (1996) and Island Stories: Unravelling Britain (1997).

Rodney Hilton's books included: The English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages (1975), The Transition From Feudalism to Capitalism (1976), Bond Man Made Free: Medieval Peasant Movements and the English Rising of 1381 (1977), Class Conflict and the Crisis of Capitalism (1985) and English and French Towns in Feudal Society: A Comparative Study (1995).

Dorothy Thompson's books included: The Chartists: Popular Politics in the Industrial Revolution (1971), Over Our Dead Bodies: Women against the Bomb (1982), Chartism in Wales and Ireland (1987), Queen Victoria: Gender and Power (1990) and Outsiders: Class, Gender and Nation (1993).

George Rudé's books included: The Crowd in the French Revolution (1959), Wilkes and Liberty (1962), The Crowd in History (1964), Revolutionary Europe: 1783-1815 (1969), Capt ain Swing (1969) co-written with Eric Hobsbawn, Paris and London in the 18th Century (1970), Hannoverian London: 1714-1808 (1971), Robespierre (1975), Ideology and Popular Protest (1980), Europe in the 18th Century (1985), The Face of the Crowd (1988) and The French Revolution (1989).

Primary Sources

(1) Eric Hobsbawm, Communist Party Historians' Group (1978)

The present record, based on memory, on consultation with several old friends (Christopher Hill, John Saville and Victor Kiernan) and on a substantial collection of materials, does not claim to be an actual 'history' of the Historians' Group of the Communist Party, and it covers only the years between 1946 and 1956. Nevertheless it may be of some interest even to those who do not happen to have belonged or who still belong to it. For the Historians' Group played a major part in the development of Marxist historiography in this country, and for reasons which are even now difficult to understand, the bulk of British Marxist theoretical effort was directed into historical work. It played some part in the development of British historiography in general. Finally, members of the group also had a significant role in the discussions which rent the Communist Party after the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU in 1956-7, and in the genesis of the various New Lefts which followed.

The present paper therefore attempts to rediscover not merely what the Group did, but also to ask and answer some questions about its rather unusual role in the ten years after the Second World War. It was not formally set up as a group until after the war. If I remember correctly, it grew out of a conference organized to discuss a planned new edition of A. L. Morton's A People's History of England in which both the author and the Party wished to embody the results of discussions among Marxist historians since the date of first publication (1938). These less formal discussions had begun as Christopher Hill recalls, with meetings in Marx House and Balliol in 1938-9 which led to the production of Hill's essay on the English Revolution in 1940. They were, it appears, organized by Robin Page Arnot - the oldest Marxist historian alive in Britain and fortunately, at the time of writing, still very much on the active list. A number of people contributed to Hill's text, and several - the late Dona Torr and Douglas Garman and (pseudonymously) the still active J. Kuczynski debated the booklet after publication in Labour Monthly. The actual Historians' Group, formally established after the war, is still in existence. However, the years between its foundation and the crisis of 1956-7 form a self-contained period, and this is the subject of my memoir.

The present paper therefore attempts to rediscover not merely what the Group did, but also to ask and answer some questions about its rather unusual role in the ten years after the Second World War. It was not formally set up as a group until after the war. If I remember correctly, it grew out of a conference organized to discuss a planned new edition of A. L. Morton's A People's History of England in which both the author and the Party wished to embody the results of discussions among Marxist historians since the date of first publication (1938). These less formal discussions had begun as Christopher Hill recalls, with meetings in Marx House and Balliol in 1938-9 which led to the production of Hill's essay on the English Revolution in 1940. They were, it appears, organized by Robin Page Arnot ­– the oldest Marxist historian alive in Britain and fortunately, at the time of writing, still very much on the active list. A number of people contributed to Hill's text, and several – the late Dona Torr and Douglas Garman and (pseudonymously) the still active J. Kuczynski debated the booklet after publication in Labour Monthly. The actual Historians' Group, formally established after the war, is still in existence. However, the years between its foundation and the crisis of 1956-7 form a self-contained period, and this is the subject of my memoir.

There was no tradition of Marxist history in Britain, though there was a powerful tradition of radical and labour-oriented history, of which Cole and Postgate's The Common People (1938, new edition 1946) was then the most recent example. (In fact, one of the earliest tasks of the Group in 1946 was a critical discussion of this then influential work.) For practical purposes, little Marxist history written in English before the 1930s was available, and the shortage of such work even in the 1930s is indicated by the fact that P. C. Gordon Walker's article on the Reformation in the Economic History Review was widely referred to as Marxist. Foreign Marxist work in translation was also not widely known or available, with the exception of some Russian work (M. N. Pokrovsky, Theodore Rothstein), among which Hessen's 1931 paper on ‘The Social Roots of Newton's Principia’ ought to be singled out, because of its influence not only on potential Marxist historians but also on potential Marxist natural scientists. There were also some works from the heyday of pre-1914 German social-democracy (Kautsky on Thomas More, Bernstein's Cromwell and Communism). However, the basic texts on which we based our attempts at a materialist interpretation of history were the writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin themselves. Many of these had been far from readily accessible before the wave of publications in the mid-1930s, which produced Dona Torr's edition of the Selected Correspondence of Marx and Engels and other works.

When the student generation of the 1930s, who provided the main stock of the Group, began to produce Marxist historians, a few. re atively senior intellectuals were already Marxist, or beginning to draw closer to Marxism. Though none of them were actually historians by profession, like all Marxists they were drawn to history and contributed to it. The most eminent, the archaeologist and pre-historian V. Gordon Childe, does not seem to have influenced us greatly to start with, perhaps because he was not associated with the Communist Party. The most flourishing group, the Marxist classicists (e.g. Benjamin Farrington, George Thomson) were rather remote from the interests of most of us, though Thomson's Aeschylus and Athens (1940) was much admired and discussed. (The Group organized a critical discussion of this work and its successor, probably in the early 1950s, with contributions from social anthropologists – including a now famous name in the field – archaeologists and philologists.) However, the major historical work which was to influence us crucially was Maurice Dobb's Studies in the Development of Capitalism which formulated our main and central problem. This crucial work was not published until 1946. A. L. Morton's People's History has already been mentioned. Thus little work by senior Marxists was available, and some of it (e.g. Roy Pascal's neglected study of the German Reformation of 1932) was not widely known.

The main pillars of the Group thus consisted initially of people who had graduated sufficiently early in the 1930s to have done some research, to have begun to publish and, in very exceptional cases, to have begun to teach. Among these Christopher Hill already occupied a special position as the author of a major interpretation of the English Revolution and a link with Soviet economic historians. Others who had published before 1946 or were just about to publish included Brian Pearce, then a Tudor historian, V. G. Kiernan, whose encyclopedic knowledge had already produced a book on the diplomacy of imperialism in China, James B. Jefferys, already a post-doctoral nineteenth-century economic historian whose wartime industrial experience had made him, among other things, the author of what is still one of the best trade union histories (The Story of the Engineers, 1945) and F. D. Klingender the art-historian, whose contacts with the group were not to be close. One or two of the most prominent pre-war Marxist historians of this degree of seniority had already by 1946 moved away from association with communist groups and will not be mentioned as they are entitled to retrospective privacy

(2) Emma Griffin, History Today (2 February 2015)

When history emerged as a scholarly discipline in British universities at the end of the 19th century, it rarely took working-class people as its focus. History was about the great and the good – about kings, queens, archbishops and diplomats. Historians studied reigns, constitutions, parliaments, wars and religion. Although some historians inevitably strayed from the mainstream, they rarely organised their ideas around the concept of ‘the working class’. For example, Ivy Pinchbeck’s Women Workers and the Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850 (1930) and, with Margaret Hewitt, Children in English Society (1969) certainly foreshadowed the concerns of a later generation of social historians, yet took ‘women’ and ‘children’, rather than the ‘working class’ as their subject.

This changed with the emergence of the social history movement in the second half of the 20th century. At the end of the Second World War and – a decade or so later – as the universities expanded, the historian’s remit widened enormously. Poor and disenfranchised subjects, such as the working women and orph-aned children that Pinchbeck had studied, swiftly moved from the intellectual margins to the mainstream. The newly-formed social history movement splint-ered into numerous branches – black history, subaltern studies, women’s history, urban history, rural history and so on. Soon working-class history had also emerged as a distinct historical specialism. The Communist Party History Group (founded 1946) and the Society for the Study of Labour History (1960) together consolidated its place in the universities. The History Workshop movement, established in the late 1960s with a slightly broader remit, provided an important platform for the study of ordinary people. Now historians of the working class enjoyed all the trappings of a modern academic sub-discipline, with their own societies, annual conferences and journals.

The cause of this fledgling historical strand was greatly advanced through association with some of the leading scholars of the age, including the Communist Party History Group members Christopher Hill, Eric Hobsbawm, Raphael Samuel and E. P. Thompson. These four were also part of the group that founded the journal Past & Present, now widely regarded as one of the most important historical journals published in Britain today. Thompson’s monumental The Making of the English Working Class (1963) was arguably the single most significant contribution to working-class history, but it is easy to forget that he was just one part of a larger community of scholars with a shared interest in the emergence and experiences of the working class at the time of the British Industrial Revolution.


(1) Emma Griffin, History Today (2 February 2015)

(2) Francis Beckett, Enemy Within: The Rise and Fall of the British Communist Party (1995) page 134

(3) Eric Hobsbawm, Communist Party Historians' Group (1978)

(4) John Saville, Memoirs from the Left (2003) page 88

(5) Emma Griffin, History Today (2 February 2015)

(6) Christos Efstathiou, E. P. Thompson: A Twentieth-Century Romantic (2015) page 28

(7) William J. Tompson, Khrushchev: A Political Life (1995) pages 153-154

(8) Francis Beckett, Enemy Within: The Rise and Fall of the British Communist Party (1995) page 134

(9) Simon Hall, 1956: The World in Revolt (2015) pages 346-347

(10) Christos Efstathiou, E. P. Thompson: A Twentieth-Century Romantic (2015) page 55

(11) John Saville, Memoirs from the Left (2003) page 113

(12) Francis Beckett, Enemy Within: The Rise and Fall of the British Communist Party (1995) page 138

(13) Peter Fryer, Hungarian Tragedy and Other Writings on the 1956 Hungarian Revolution (1997) page 90