USA History: Journals
- American Magazine
- Appeal to Reason
- The Arena
- Atlantic Monthly
- Birth Control Review
- Catholic Worker
- Collier's Weekly
- Cosmopolitan
- The Crisis
- Daily Worker
- Everybody's Magazine
- Hampton's Magazine
- Harper's Magazine
- I. F. Stone's Weekly
- In Fact Newsletter
- Industrial Worker
- The Judge
- Ladies' Home Journal
- The Liberator
- Life Magazine
- The Masses
- McClure's Magazine
- Messenger
- Metropolitan
- Munsey's Magazine
- The Nation
- New Yorker
- New York Call
- New York Journal
- New York Evening Post
- New York Times
- New York Herald Tribune
- New York World
- New Masses
- New Republic
- Overland Monthly
- Puck Magazine
- Saturday Evening Post
- Scribner's Magazine
- Smart Set
- Solidarity
- Time Magazine
- The Unemployed
- Woman Voter
- Woman Citizen
- Women's Journal