First World War > Trenches in the Western Front Trench Warfare (1914-1918) Life in the Trenches Alcohol in the Trenches Amputations Angel of Mons Black Propaganda Body Lice Boy Soldiers Casualty Clearing Station Casualties in the Trenches Corpse Factories Crucified Soldiers Dysentery Etaples Base Camp Execution of British Soldiers Field Punishment No 1 Food in the Trenches Gas Attacks German Atrocities Ghosts on the Front Line Horses & Mules Military Dog Pals Battalions Poison Gases Regulation Equipment Self-Inflicted Wounds Shell-Fire Shell-Shock Soldier's Letters Stretcher-Bearers Trench FootTrench Rats Up the Line Waterlogged Trenches The Trench SystemThe Western FrontThe Trench SystemParadosFire-StepSandbagsNo-Man's LandBarbed-WireDuck BoardFire-BayStand-ToSignallersFront-Line TrenchesCommunication TrenchesParapetBreastworksDugoutListening PostSappingFunk HoleTraversesLatrinesRunners Trench WarfarePatrols & RaidsAttacks & OffensivesInfantry TacticsPeaceful PenetrationCreeping BarrageMachine-Gun PillboxesLight FlaresChlorine GasTank AttacksTunnellingSnipersCavalry TacticsArtillery BarragePreliminary BombardmentFortressesFlame-ThrowersMustard GasInfiltration Tactics