June's Visual Primary Sources for the History Classroom

Activities for the History Classroom

Margaret Scott, Jane Short, Margaret McFarlane and Olive Hotkin exercising in the yard of Holloway prison (1913)
Margaret Schenke, Jane Short, Margaret Mcfarlane and Olive Hockin
exercising in the yard of Holloway prison (March 1913)

Question: This is one of the first surveillance photographs taken in Britain. The photograph was taken from a van parked in the Holloway prison exercise yard in March 1913. Why would the police authorities have taken this photograph?

Britannia: "I can no longer offer shelter to fugitives. England is no longer a free country (1906)
Britannia: "I can no longer offer shelter to fugitives. England is no longer a free country (1906)

Question: Explain the meaning of this cartoon? It will help you to read about the 1906 Aliens Act.

John Heartfield, On the founding of the State Church (June, 1933) (Copyright The Official John Heartfield Exhibition & Archive)
John Heartfield, On the founding of the State Church (June, 1933)
(Copyright The Official John Heartfield Exhibition & Archive)

Question: Why did John Heartfield call his photomontage "On the founding of the State Church?

Barry Goldwater
Herbert Block, Washington Post (1968)

Question: Read the Prague Spring and then explain Herbert Block's cartoon.