Nikolai Maklakov

Nikolai Maklakov was born in Russia in 1871. An ardent monarchist and extremely conservative politician. a strong supporter of Nicholas II and the autocracy, Maklakov was appointed Minister of the Interior in December, 1912.

A strong influence over Ivan Goremykin, Maklakov was the main figure in the government who argued against making concessions to the reformers. He also wanted the Duma to be closed down.

On the outbreak of the First World War Maklakov clashed with Sergei Sazonov over his desire to create a unified, independent Poland.

Under pressure from the Duma, Tsar Nicholas II sacked Maklakov in June, 1915. Nikolai Maklakov was executed by the Bolsheviks after the October Revolution.

Primary and Secondary Sources

(1) Alexander Kerensky, Russia and History's Turning Point (1965)

Nikolai Maklakov was wholeheartedly for the Russian autocracy. In the concessions of 1905 "one leg had been lifted", and ever since the life of Russia had been like "a drunkard's walk, tottering from wall to wall." He saw the growing discontent, and he claims that he alone was for decisive measures - even for dissolution of the Duma.