Spanish Civil War

Title: Famous Faces of the Spanish Civil War
Author: Steve Hurst
Publisher: Pen & Sword
Price: £19.99
Bookshop: Amazon
Spartacus Website: Spanish Civil War
This book tells the tragic story of the Spanish Civil War through the eyes of writers, artists and musicians who were deeply involved and close to it. By means of chronological chapters covering the major phases the author describes the roles of figures such as Arthur Koestler, Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, George Orwell, Esmond Romilly, Martha Gellhorn (Hemingway’s lover), Salvador Dali, the poet Federico Lorca (who was killed) etc. Other famous names include the spies Kim Philby and Anthony Blunt. The progress of the War is followed from the outbreak rebellion of summer 1936, through Seville, the war in the Aragon Mountains, Madrid, Malaga, the arrival of the International Brigades in 1937, the notorious destruction of Guernika by the German Condor Legion, Barcelona and Franco’s victorious march, checked briefly on the Ebro.

Title: The Real Band of Brothers
Author: Max Arthur
Publisher: Harper Collins
Price: £10.99
Bookshop: Amazon
Spartacus Website: Spanish Civil War
Personal stories from the soldiers who volunteered to fight for a cause they passionately believed in. The Spanish Civil War, which raged from 1936-9, was a brutal and intense war which claimed well over 500,000 lives. Rightly predicting that the rise of Fascism in Spain could develop into a more global conflict, almost 2500 British volunteers travelled to Spain under the banner of the International Brigade to fight for the Spanish Republic in an attempt to stem the tide. Acclaimed oral historian Max Arthur has tracked down the eight survivors of this conflict, and interviewed them for their unique perspective, their memories of their time fighting and the motives which compelled them to fight. Theirs is a unique story, of men and women volunteering to lay down their lives for a cause, believing passionately that the Spanish Republic's fight was their fight too. From Union leader to nurse, Egyptologist to IRA activist, these survivors have incredible, compelling and sometimes harrowing tales to tell of their experiences, revealing their ideologies, pride, regrets, and feelings about the legacy of the actions they took.

Title: We Saw Spain Die
Author: Paul Preston
Publisher: Constable & Robinson
Price: £20.00
Bookshop: Amazon
Spartacus Website: Spanish Civil War
Based on a huge trove of diary and personal letter material regarding principally British and American, but also Russian and French, correspondents, "We Saw Spain Die" is a study of how the war correspondent came of age. It examines the problems - political, professional and personal, faced by some of the century's greatest war correspondents both within Spain and also in America, Britain, France and Russia. It throws light not just on the Spanish Civil War but also on internal politics within all those countries. The most powerful message is that it re-vindicates a number of America's greatest liberal journalists.Along with the professional war correspondents, some hardened veterans of Abyssinia, others still to win their spurs, came some of the world's most prominent literary figures: Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos, Josephine Herbst and Martha Gellhorn from the United States; W. H. Auden, Stephen Spender, Kim Philby and George Orwell from Britain; Andre Malraux and Antoine de Saint Exupery from France.

Title: The Spanish Civil War
Editor: Al Richardson
Publisher: Merlin Press
Price: £18.95
Bookshop: Amazon
Spartacus Website: Spanish Civil War
This book presents a left which, in the midst of civil war and revolution, chose to oppose both fascism and the popular front. The revolution in Spain was overturned by Stalinists and their allies. The Popular Front government of Doctor Negrin facilitated the destruction of collectives and permitted the work of Russian secret services, the murder and torture that demoralised workers and peasants. This book presents a spectrum of contemporary left viewpoints, introduced and annotated in detail.