Spartacus Book List
Rock Music

Title: The Essential Rock Discography
Author: Martin Strong
Publisher: Canongate
Price: £30.00
Bookshop: Amazon
Spartacus Website: Singers and Songwriters
"The Essential Rock Discography Vol 1" is the ultimate concise reference guide to the biographical titbits, evolving bad lineups, anecdotes and track listings of modern pop and rock bands. Updating and encapsulating all the crucial information from the formidable "The Great Rock Discography", this new tome retains a wide spectrum of facts perfect for the ardent music lover, pub-quiz devotee and general pop fan. Music lovers everywhere already regard Martin C. Strong as a god - his established fans eagerly await "The Essential Rock Discography Vol 1".

Title: There's a Riot Going on
Author: Peter Doggett
Publisher: Canongate
Price: £25.00
Bookshop: Amazon
Spartacus Website: Singers and Songwriters
Between 1967 and 1973, political activists around the globe prepared to mount a revolution. While the Vietnam War raged, calls for black power grew louder and liberation movements erupted everywhere from Africa to Western Europe.Demonstrators took to the streets, fought gun battles with police, planted bombs in public buildings and attempted to overthrow the world's most powerful governments.Rock and soul music fuelled the revolutionary movement with anthems and iconic imagery. Soon the musicians themselves, from John Lennon and Bob Dylan to James Brown and Fela Kuti, were being dragged into the fray. Some joined the protestors on the barricades; some were persecuted for their political activism; some abandoned the cause and were dismissed as counter-revolutionaries.This collision of radical fervour and musical passion touched every facet of the revolution. Peace campaigners, feminists, black liberationists, anarchists and urban terrorists joined hands with many of the most important figures in black and white music to create a revolutionary tide that threatened to alter the face of global politics, before ebbing away under the pressure of government harassment and rampant egotism.