Roscoe White

Roscoe White joined the United States Marines and left for Japan in August, 1957. He was stationed at Atsugi and worked on the U-2 project.
White joined the Dallas Police Force in September, 1963. Soon afterwards, his wife Geneva White, claimed that she overheard her husband and Jack Ruby plotting the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
White left the police force and was employed by a company called M & M Equipment. On 23rd September, 1971, White and a fellow worker, Richard Adair were both badly burnt in an industrial fire. Adair recovered but White died the following day.
On 4h September, 1990, Roscoe's son, Ricky White, revealed to a meeting at the University of Texas that his father had been involved in killing the president: "The diary said after my father shot the President he handed his 7.65 Mauser to the man standing beside him, hurled over the fence, took the film from the military man, whirled around the fence and went through the parking lot."
White added that Lee Harvey Oswald had also taken part but had not fired any of the shots. White then went on to kill J. D. Tippit. Ricky White claimed he had got this information from his father's diary. This apparently had been taken away by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Primary and Secondary Sources
(1) Ray and Mary LaFontaine, Oswald Talked - The New Evidence in the JFK Assassination? (1996)
In August-September 1957 Roscoe, also a Marine, took the same boat to Japan as Lee Harvey Oswald. Contrary to the claims of amateur sleuths Gary Mack and David Perry of Dallas, the connections between the two did not end there. In November of the same year, both White and Oswald ended up in Subic Bay, the Philippines, and, later, off the coast of Indonesia as part of a secret CIA invasion force planned for that island nation. Roscoe White wrote of the matter to his wife Geneva, in letters that survive, complete with their naval-vessel postmarks. Oswald talked with Priscilla McMillan about the incident, as she testified to Warren investigators. The "maneuvers" were protracted; the Marines did not return to their original assignments for several months. Did White, Oswald, both, or neither become trained intelligence assets during this clandestine action?"
(2) Geneva White, the wife of Roscoe White, was interviewed by Harrison Edward Livingstone for the book, High Treason (1990)
White asked Tippit to drive Oswald to Redbird Airport.. .Tippit balked, suspecting they were involved in the assassination he had just heard about, and White had to shoot him right then. Oswald ran away. There is a report that an extra police shirt was found in the backseat of Tippit's car, and we surmise that this belonged to Roscoe, who changed his clothes there. It is also thought that Tippit's car was the one that stopped at Oswald's house and beeped, and then picked him up down the street.
(3) Woody Woodland interviewed Ricky White, the son of Roscoe White, for the Manchester Magazine (September, 1990)
That (fatal shot) was fired by the man behind the stockade fence... Then it (the diary) states that he hands the rifle to a man to the right of him. And he has to hurl over the fence. He hurled over it, so therefore he jumped over the fence. There was a man that was evidently standing just right in front of him that was filming the motorcade because he talks about a military man that he had to hurl over the fence and obtain his film.
(4) Anthony Summers, The Kennedy Conspiracy (1980)
In 1976, when the Senate Intelligence Committee was probing the role of the intelligence agencies in investigating the assassination, it found another pose in the same series of pictures. This was in the possession of a Dallas policeman's widow, the former Mrs. Roscoe White. She said her husband had told her it would be very valuable one day. As the polite prose of the congressional Assassinations Committee was to put it later. Policeman White had "acquired" the picture in the course of his duties after the assassination. A fellow officer has mentioned making "numerous" copies of the Oswald pictures for his colleagues. However, even if this particular print was intended merely as a keepsake, why was there no copy of it in the evidence assembled for the official inquiry? It reflects, at best, astonishingly sloppy handling of evidence. Several officers must have known about this version of the photograph in 1963, for it shows Oswald in a stance with the rifle which was copied in police reenactment experiments. Perhaps, indeed, they once knew of more copies. The last act of this comedy of police work does nothing to still the suspicions of those who suspect hanky-panky with the rifle poses.
(3) Matthew Smith, JFK: The Second Plot (1992)
Geneva White, wife of Roscoe White, a police officer appointed to the Dallas force just weeks before the assassination, claimed her now-deceased husband left a diary in which he reveals he was one of the marksmen who shot the President, and that he also killed Officer Tippit. Roscoe White's story is that he had been a 'contract man' for the CIA, having killed ten times for them, his 'hits' including 'targets' in Japan and the Philippines. The diary, said to have been stolen by the FBI, is claimed to contain details of the assassination, which was carried out on the instructions of the CIA. They said Kennedy was a 'national security risk'. Roscoe White was killed in an industrial accident in 1971 and Geneva is quoted as saying, 'When Rock lay dying he made a confession to our minister, the Reverend Jack Shaw. He named all the people he knew who were involved.' However, this author spoke to the Reverend Jack Shaw who denies Roscoe mentioned killing the President or Tippit. 'He did confess to taking life in the US and on foreign soil,' he said, 'but not that of the President or the police officer.' The Minister went on to say that Roscoe suspected his accident, at a garage at which he worked after he resigned from the police, had been arranged by the CIA - 'I saw a man with a brief case....' and Ricky White, Roscoe's son, is convinced his father had wanted to be finished with the CIA and they killed him for it. Insurance investigator David Perry found no evidence of foul play. The accident was apparently caused by Roscoe taking a welding torch too close to an inflammable liquid.
(4) Tosh Plumlee, interviewed on 6th April, 1992.
Q: Tosh, did you know Lee Harvey Oswald?
A: Yes, I knew Lee Harvey Oswald.
Q: Where did you first meet him?
A: I first meet Lee Harvey Oswald at a secret base called Illusionary Warfare Training at Nagshead, North Carolina in 1959 prior to him going to language school and going to Russia.
Q; Did you just meet him or did you get to know him?
A: I got to... well, I just met him and remembered him.... At the time that I met him in '59 he was a Marine, we were all in Illusionary Warfare Training, or something... propaganda stuff, and he was there and he was doing language study at that particular point. I didn't recognize him as anybody them other than just another black operative.
Q: Did you ever see him after that?
A: Yes, one time in Honolulu with another guy at a radar installation and that was about... .oh I guess shortly after that... shortly after Nagshead... my dates may be wrong. It could have been '58 or '59 right around that area.
Q: Were there other occasions when you saw him?
A: Well, the one at the radar complex there on either Ohau or... I can't remember exactly where it was. But he was there at that time and I saw him briefly at Wheeler Air Force Base there at there at Oahu outside Honolulu and he was getting ready to leave an go to Dallas... the whole group was getting ready to leave and we had been just completing jungle warfare training.
Q: Did you ever see him again after that?
A: Yes, in '62 when I came back into Dallas area, that, through the Dallas Cubans over on, not Harlendale Street, but there was a "safe" house here in Dallas, Oak Cliff, two of them. There was a small two bedroom frame type house that was located in Oak Cliff not far from the zoo where the old inner urban track used to go through, I mean there's a highline down through there now, at that place and then I think it was Zang's Blvd. there used to be "safe" house there that was run by Hernandez out of Miami that had connections with Alpha 66 at one point that se up a "safe" house for Dallas Cubans that were filtrating out of the Miami area. Oswald, from those two "safe" houses, I went to another "safe" house and that "safe" house was directly behind where Oswald had rented a room, in the alley, and I carved my initials on the draining board up there at that time and that was a gun running operation and Oswald was renting the front house. I saw him there briefly but did not talk to him.
Q: Is that the house he lived in when the assassination occurred?
A: I'm not sure of the dates. Researchers would have to get the dates but this was just prior.. I had just came in from flying Roselli and John Martino from Houston to Galvezton and my next trip was from Houston back to Dallas so that would have been around June of '63, or no... before June... it would have been around April or May of '63.
Q: Did you know Roscoe White?
A: Roscoe White was at the radar complex and jungle warfare training in Honolulu and that's where I first met him. When I say met him... I would have never, never have picked Roscoe White and my feelings, it's a tragedy of what happened to Roscoe White's life. He was an operative. He was military intelligence. Basically, I think he was a good man. This other investigation a few years ago that came out... that however that went... the sensationalism of that was done very poorly because what it has done nowadays has totally discredited Roscoe White as being a military operative. The fact that Oswald and Roscoe White, the radar complex, and jungle warfare training, and Nagshead, North Carolina and all these things...
Q: When was the last time you saw Roscoe White?
A: The last time I saw Roscoe White was over in Honolulu and that was about '59. I had no liaison with White, you know, after that. I wasn't even aware that he was possibly in the Plaza until some researchers indicated that to me by pictures and I identified him as working at the radar complex from pictures that researchers had shown me stating he was in Dallas.
Q: Are you saying that you saw Roscoe White and Lee Harvey Oswald together?
A: Not together, at the same place and the same time. There was a ship that went over with White and a bunch of Marines and I can't remember the name of that particular ship, and I think that Oswald was on board that ship.