Michael Collins Piper

Michael Collins Piper writes for the American Free Press, the Washington-based national weekly, and the right-wing historical journal, The Barnes Review. Piper is also the author of Final Judgment (1994). In the book he argues that David Ben Gurion, the prime minister of Israel, initiated the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The main motive concerns Kennedy's attempts to halt Israeli atomic research. Others involved in the assassination include the CIA's James Jesus Angleton and Jewish mobster, Meyer Lansky.
Piper has also written articles suggesting that Mossard and the FBI were involved in the assassination of Martin Luther King. He claims the motive was King's hostility to Zionism.
Piper is also the author of The High Priests of War that describes how George Bush and the Neo-Conservatives gained power and orchestrated the war against Iraq as the first step in their "drive for global empire".
In February 2006, Piper started a radio show called The Piper Report that can be heard on the Republic Broadcasting Network.