Ronald Schweder
Ronald Schweder was educated at Eton. On the outbreak of the First World War he volunteered for the British Army and became a member of the Royal Field Artillery. By the summer of 1916 he had reached the rank of major. He took part in the offensive at the Somme and remained on the Western Front until the Armistice.
Primary and Secondary Sources
(1) Major Ronald Schweder, letter (February, 1917)
The papers today gave me the jim-jams. "Haig on his next offensive". My metier ain't blood and iron, and I have had one of his offensives. Of course, there is no good grousing.
(2) Major Ronald Schweder, letter (March, 1917)
There are in this mess quite the rudest pictures I have ever seen. Ladies by the dozen with nothing on. Under one of them is the Bairnsfather saying cut from one of his pictures, "If you know of a better hole, go to it." Rather an apt saying, but not quite possible out here.
I saw a fellow get a lovely wound in the head with a bit of shrapnel. He was so pleased, he made me laugh.
(3) Major Ronald Schweder, letter (May, 1917)
Who was the person who told your father, "Peace in two months"? How I wish it could be true. The casualty lists are awful. The results of the war and all the sacrifice will be sweet nothing, I expect.
(4) Major Ronald Schweder, letter (July, 1918)
Latham, one of my Subalterns, came back today after a fortnight's rest cure by the seaside. He was full of WAACs, VADs, etc. It seems to me to be on a friendly footing, the male and female army in the back areas. One might almost call it "matey".