Valentine Tank
The Vickers Company began making the Valentine Tank in February, 1938. The British Army initially rejected the tank because it believed its turret was too small. However, on the outbreak of war the army was so desperate for new tanks that it changed its mind about the suitability of the vehicle.
The first Valentines were delivered in May 1940 and the following year they were sent to take part in the Desert War. During the Second World War there were eleven versions of the tank. For example, the tank's armament changed from a 6-pounder in 1938 to 75mm in 1944. However, the size of the turret remained a problem and the crew constantly complained about a lack of room.
During the war 8,275 Valentines were built. Of these, 2,720 were sent to the Red Army in the Soviet Union. Valentines were also used by the New Zealand troops in the South-West Pacific.