The Custumal

(1) All serfs must do their labour service as instructed.

(2) All free men and women must pay their rents as instructed.

(3) All villagers must obey the commands of the steward, reeve, beadle, hayward, woodward and affeeror.

(4) No free man or woman is allowed to leave the village during the harvest months of August and September.

(5) The lord of the manor's demesne land is enclosed with a fence. The men of the village must repair the fence.

(6) No one may put any animals on the demesne without permission from the bailiff. Any animals that are on this land without permission will be claimed by the lord of the manor.

(7) The people of the village have to pay pannage before their pigs can eat the herbage in the wood. The fee is one pence a year for every pig that uses the wood. Any pigs that are on this land without permission will be claimed by the lord of the manor.

(8) All villagers have the right to fetch rotten wood. No one has permission to cut down any part of a tree.

(9) All villagers may put their animals on the common land.

(10) No one must allow their sheep to eat the stubble until the field has been pastured by the other animals.

(11) The lord of the manor may at any time demand that the people must graze their animals on the demesne land.

(12) Villagers wishing to sell their animals must first offer them to the lord of the manor.

(13) At Christmas each serf must bring two hens to the Court Lodge.

(14) At Easter each serf must bring 6 eggs to the Court Lodge.

(15) Serfs have to seek permission from the lord of the manor before they get married.

(16) If a female serf has a child outside marriage the head of the family has to pay leyrwyte.

(17) The lord of the manor has the right to arrange the marriage of serfs living in the village.

(16) No one must enter the wood carrying a bow.

(19) Villagers must obtain permission from the lord of the manor before they can brew and sell ale. The license fee is 4s.

(20) Villagers must obtain permission from the lord of the manor before they can bake and sell bread. The license fee is 5s.

(21) Serfs must take their grain to the lord of the manor's water-mill.

(22) Serfs must bake their bread in the communal oven.

(25) All men between the ages of seven and fifty must take part in longbow practice every Monday evening.

(24) All tithing leaders must make sure that members of their tithing group attend the manor court.

(25) Villagers have the right to catch dace, grayling and gudgeon from the River Beult. These fish must not be sold to others.

(26) Villagers must not move the boundary stones in the fields.

(27) Villagers must stop their animals from damaging the crops.

(28) Villagers must not allow strangers to stay in their homes overnight.

(29) Serfs over the age of twenty have to pay tallage. The amount paid will be decided by the lord of the manor.

(30) Serfs must not learn to read and write without the permission of the lord of the manor.

(31) Serfs must not leave the village without the permission of the lord of the manor.

(32) When the head of the family dies the family must pay heriot to the lord of the manor. This payment should be the family's best animal.

(33) When the head of the family dies the family must pay mortuary to the church. This payment should be the family's second best animal.

(34) All villagers must make and repair the road outside their homes. They must repair and clean the ditches that protect the roads and fields.

(35) All pigs must have iron rings placed in their nose.

(36) Villagers must not kill the animals in the forest.

(37) It is the duty of every person to raise the hue and cry if he or she sees any of Yalding's laws and customs broken.