Debra Conway

Debra Conway is a historical researcher who specialized in the documents released under the Assassination Records Review Board Act, particularly Cuba and the Central Intelligence Agency and Mafia plots against Fidel Castro.
Conway is also President of JFK Lancer Productions & Publications. The goal of JFK Lancer is to make research materials concerning President John F. Kennedy easily available to everyone. Its prime concern is the accuracy of history and the true story of the turbulent 1960s. JFK Lancer has actively support the continued investigation of the JFK assassination and over the past years have sponsored special events both for the research community and for young people and their teachers to further this investigation. At JFK Lancer all profits go into research and materials.
Books published by Lancer include In The Eye Of History; Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence (2004), No Case to Answer (2005), Someone Would Have Talked (2006), The Door of Memory: Aubrey Rike and the Assassination of President Kennedy (2008), I Was Castro's Prisoner (2008), Jim Garrison: His Life and Times, The Early Years (2008) and Beyond the Fence Line: The EyeWitness Account of Ed Hoffman and the Murder of President Kennedy (2008).