Spartacus Review
Volume 32: 25th April, 2009
British History
Title: The Great Turning Points in British History
Author: Michael Wood
Publisher: Constable & Robinson
Price: £8.99
Bookshop: Amazon
Spartacus Website: British History
Twenty of the most crucial moments in Britain’s history. BBC History Magazine asked a selection of leading historians to choose and describe the twenty most important turning points in British history from AD 1000 to 2000. Collected together, their choices present a new way of looking at our nation’s story. From the Danish invasion of Britain in 1016, to the Suez crisis in 1956, the key moments include victories (or defeats) both at home and abroad, plague, reform and even revolutions that have reshaped the British way of life. Each contribution brings the past to life, offering new perspectives and food for debate: did the Battle of Agincourt change England’s role in Europe? What was the impact of American independence on Britain? Was 1916 more important than 1939? Thought-provoking and inspiring accounts.