

Chatto, a Chiricahua Apache, was born in 1854. He became a warrior and carried out several raids on settlers in Arizona and New Mexico.

He eventually surrendered to General George Crook and served under him as a scout. This included the expedition to the Sierra Madre in 1883.

In 1886 Chatto led a peace delegation to Washington where he was presented with a silver medal by President Chester Arthur. On his return he served as a scout at Fort Still.

In 1913 Chatto and his family went to live on the Mescalero Reservation of New Mexico.

Chatto died following a car accident on 13th August, 1934.

Primary Sources

(1) Lieutenant Kennon recorded in his diary a meeting between General George Crook and Chatto (2nd January, 1890)

We reached the little station of Mount Vernon just before 8 a.m. Country poor, sandy and a growth of small pine. A road took us up to the barracks. An ambulance happened to be at the station, and a sergeant, who resented our getting in until he found out that the 'old gentleman' was General Crook.

The approach to the Barracks, with great green trees on either side was very pretty. The post is walled in by a wall from 12 to 16 feet high, without flanking arrangements. It is situated on a knoll, and above the 'backwater' of the Tombigbee.

We drove direct to the CO's house, rang, and were admitted. No one but the servant was up. Soon Mrs. Kellogg came down, and later the Colonel. There was also a daughter or niece. They were not expecting us. Did not know we were coming, apologized, etc., which was not necessary.

A young Indian with long, black hair saw the General, and before we had finished breakfast. Chihuahua was outside, waiting. He seemed overjoyed to see the General. Kaetena joined him, and we walked over to the Indian village, which was just outside the gate of the fort. They live in little log cabins which had been built for them. At the gate was a considerable number of Indians waiting for us. Chatto came out, and went up to the General, and gave him a greeting that was really tender. He took him by the hand, and with his other made a motion as if to clasp him about the neck. It was as if he would express his joy, but feared to take such a liberty. It was a touching sight.

The Apaches crowded about the General, shaking hands, and laughing in their delight. The news spread that he was there, and those about us shouted to those in the distance, and from all points they came running in until we had a train of them moving with us.